Saturday, March 27, 2010

Don't Mess with the Family

Hi, my name is Jackson.

VOICE: If you move, I'll shoot you.

I'm staying in my room.

There was a knock on the door of the apartment, and Jeremy went to see who it was. Paige is out for the night with friends, and our mom is out shopping, which means she'll be back in three days.

I heard a commotion in the hallway, and when I hobbled out of my sick bed and over to the door, I looked out and saw some guy standing over Jeremy holding a gun.

Immediately, I thought to bumrush him, but with my leg still in a cast from the explosion, I wouldn't be able to do much damage.

Instead, I closed the door, and tried to figure out what I could do.

Buzz, Buzz...

Thank God for cell phones.

I picked it up, went into the closet, shut the door, and answered it.

ME: Hello?
BEN: Jackson?
ME: Ben, there's someone--
BEN: It's Taylor.
ME: The crazy guy from L.A.?

He told me all about Taylor, but he told me that he was--

BEN: He's not dead.
BEN: Is Jeremy okay?
ME: He's got a gun pointed at him. Other than that, he's great.
BEN: I'll be there in a little bit. Just keep him there until--


ME: Oh my God.
BEN: Jackson, what was that?
ME: I think he shot Jeremy.
ME: I have to see--
BEN: Jackson, don't!

I couldn't hide anymore. I had to try to do something.

As soon as I got into the hallway, I saw what had happened.

There was Taylor, down on the ground, with his hands over his head. There was Jeremy a few feet from him, holding Taylor's own gun at him.

And there was Paige, with the gun still pointed at the wall--a wall with two new bullet holes in it.

ME: Paige?!?!
PAIGE: Every girl needs a handgun.
ME: I thought you were out with--
PAIGE: The club was boring. So I came home. Who's this?

Thank God Rhode Island doesn't have much of a Tuesday night club scene.

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