Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Mission from God

Hi, my name is Billy.

EMMA: So you all went to church together?
JEREMY: All the time.
ADAM: We were regular church freaks.

I had to get these two out of my apartment.

Emma sent her brother, Tom, to pick up my future mother-in-law from the airport. So far, she was buying the "religious friends from childhood just happened to pop by" act, but I knew that wouldn't last long. Emma's pretty sharp.

EMMA: So, are you two also former homosexuals?

And pretty blunt.

ADAM: Yes, we're recovering. Three years for me. Two weeks for Jeremy here.

Jeremy elbowed him in the side.

JEREMY: He's kidding. Haha that kidder.
EMMA: Well, let me just get everybody something to drink.
ADAM: I could use some vodka.
EMMA: Oh, we don't keep liquor.
ADAM: Do you give it away?
JEREMY: Haha again, kidder. This kidder. Kid, kid, kidder.

Emma smiled and went off to get the drinks, but before she went into the kitchen, she gave me the "my mother is coming soon so get rid of these weirdoes" look.

As soon as she was out of earshot, I leaned forward and whispered.

ME: What are you guys doing here?
JEREMY: I tried texting you--about the shooting.
ME: That's terrible, but what am I supposed to do about it?
JEREMY: You have to come with us to Prisms.
ME: Are you insane?
ADAM: We're insane? You're getting married to a woman!
ME: I've changed!
ADAM: Into what? You're talking about sexuality like it's a cardigan!
JEREMY: Hey! I don't want to argue about this--
ME: Yes, we need to keep our voices down.
JEREMY: Billy, my brother and sister are in that club. This person--this admittedly crazy person--wants us to go there. All of us. I don't know why, but I know if we don't go, he'll kill them and whoever else is in there. Now, please, can you please come with us?
ADAM: It's what Jesus would do, Billy.

He had to throw that last comment in there.

ADAM: By the way, your future brother-in-law is kind of hot. Although I'm sure you already noticed that.

Actually, all I'd been noticing for the past ten minutes was Jeremy.

I tried to ignore it, but...

It was really good to see him.

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