Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Business Man

Hi, my name is Nathan.

VOICE: We have a problem.

And I'm a business man.

ME: I'm a little preoccupied right now.
VOICE: Yeah, well I suggest you finish up your little anniversary dinner--
ME: Hey! We don't talk about my personal life.
VOICE: We do when it affects business. Right now that's where your mind needs to be.

When my phone rang, I excused myself to use the men's room.

Ben was busy dealing with Jeremy's problem anyway.

When Jeremy left five years ago, he and Ben were mortal enemies and now they were chatting it up just because Jackson might be being held captive by a crazed gunman.

Jeremy always did have to make it about him.

Now, my husband wants to cut our dinner short so he can go to Prisms and try to get some information from the cops or something.

I told him that was out of the question, but then my phone rang, and it was work.

And work isn't a call you ignore.

ME: What's the problem?
VOICE: That shooter at Prisms?
ME: Yes.
VOICE: You know him.
ME: I do?
VOICE: Of course you do, you moron. You hired him.

As soon as I heard the name, I almost dropped the phone.

It looks like Ben and I were headed to Prisms after all.

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