Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Persona Non Grata

Hi, my name is Adam.

ELI: I'm sorry--have we met?

Welcome to the Zombie Party.

ME: Actually, I think--
ELI: Never mind. I'm not drunk enough to care.

In honor of Eli coming back from the dead--along with Joey's resurrection--Jackson decided to throw a zombie party.

ME: Hey Jackson.
JACKSON: Uh...what are you doing here?
ME: Um, I'm here for the party. Paige invited me.
JACKSON: Did she now? Oh Paige!

Everyone was shooting me looks at the party. Maybe they knew about my fling with Carter.

Oh well, I wasn't going to let it spoil my good time. Who were they to judge? They'd all hooked up with Carter too.

NATHAN: Well, well, well.

Okay, maybe not all of them.

NATHAN: If it isn't the newly christened OSC skank.
ME: Excuse me?
NATHAN: First you sleep with me, then Joey, then Carter--

Hmm, maybe I had forgotten about the math.

NATHAN: Not the way to put your best foot forward, Adam.
ME: You're right. I should have just faked a disability.
NATHAN: Do you realize who you're talking to?
ME: Clearly someone a LOT older than me.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.


Oh good--one of the friendlier CBQ's.

JEREMY: Why don't you leave?


ME: Why?
JEREMY: Look, this isn't the best group of people to involve yourself with, okay?
ME: Then why are you involved with them?


JEREMY: Because I don't get cable, and this is the next best thing.
ME: Fine. I never really wanted to go to this stupid party anyway.
JEREMY: That's for the best.
ME: Please can't I just stay until someone makes out with me?
JEREMY: Good-bye Adam.

I ran into Paige in the hallway.

PAIGE: Hey, where are you going?
ME: Nobody wants me here, Paige.
PAIGE: I want you here.
ME: You don't count.
PAIGE: Gee, thanks.

That was when the elevator doors opened to reveal Hank--

HANK: Get a doctor.

--holding an unconscious Davis in his arms.

HANK: Didn't you hear me? Call 9-1-1!

The door to the apartment opened, and all the boys came rushing out.

JEREMY: Davis!
NATHAN: What happened?
BILLY: Is he alright?
JOEY: Hank, what--
RITCHIE: I'm calling an ambulance now.
ELI: Is he breathing?
CARTER: Did his boyfriend do this?
BEN: Oh God, this is bad.
JACKSON: Put him in the apartment.

This party might be worth fighting for after all.

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