Saturday, February 6, 2010

All the Little Secrets

Hi, my name is Billy.

ME: Ready to go to the movie?
JEREMY: Nathan can walk.
ME: Maybe we can catch the late show.

I stopped by Ben and Nathan's to grab Jeremy for our movie. When I got there, Ben opened the door looking angrier than I've ever seen him, and Nathan was nowhere to be found.

Ben and Jeremy filled me in on what was happening.

ME: He's been faking it this whole time?
BEN: I guess he had some paralysis after the accident, but once it went away, he kept right on pretending to keep me feeling guilty.
ME: Wow, and I thought you were the asshole in the relationship.
JEREMY: He still is! He still tried to hit on you.
BEN: I only did that because I wanted to be with you.


BEN: That was the reason I drove my car off the road. I told Nathan I wanted to come back to Rhode Island this summer so I could win you back, and he grabbed the steering wheel and--
ME: So why did you hit on me?
BEN: I figured if I could break you two up, it would be a lot easier for me to get back together with Jeremy.
JEREMY: That's insane!
BEN: I still think it could have worked.

So he didn't even want me. It was all a plan.

Jeremy looked mad, but...I could see there was something else there.

He was flattered.

His voice instantly softened.

JEREMY: Ben, why didn't you just tell me you still had feelings for me?
ME: Would it have mattered?
JEREMY: What? No. Of course not. But it would have been better than going through all this.
BEN: I'm sorry.
ME: Wow, that's a first.
JEREMY: Let's just stop, okay?
ME: Where's Nathan?
BEN: He walked out on us as soon as we started confronting him.

Knock, knock.

JEREMY: That must be him.
BEN: Look, I know I messed up, but I promise--that's the last of the secrets, okay?

He opened the door--and there was Eli.

BEN: Okay, maybe not the LAST of the secrets...

So much for the movie.

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