Monday, February 22, 2010

Bust You Out

Hi, my name is Ben.

CARTER: What are we going to do?
ME: We're going to bust them out.

We're having a pow wow at the Fish Bowl to try and determine how we're going to get Jeremy, Jackson, and Paige out of jail.

BILLY: I just can't believe this. Jeremy's not a murderer.
RITCHIE: Jackson could be a murderer.
HANK: So could Paige.
ADAM: Hey!
HANK: What? You disagree?
ADAM: No, I just found a twenty in my wallet. Heyyy!

Everybody looked at him.

ADAM: Silver lining?

I didn't know what to do, but the thought of Jeremy being locked up was making me sick. Ironically, my ex-boyfriend seemed to be just as worried about him.

NATHAN: Jeremy can't be in jail. He doesn't belong there.
JOEY: Shouldn't you be worried about Jackson?
DAVIS: We're all worried about everyone.
ELI: C'mon guys, we're the CBQ's. We should be able to figure this out.

Carter stood up.

HANK: Where are you going?
CARTER: I have make-up class.
RITCHIE: Carter, are you serious?
CARTER: I can't miss it. We're doing old age/ethnic today.

...And that was when I got my big idea.

. . . . .

Six hours later, Jeremy was out of jail.

JEREMY: I don't understand.
JACKSON: How did they find Chris' body?
ME: They didn't. He walked into the police station and told them he was fine. Said he was on vacation.
JOAN: But that's impossible! We--
JEREMY, PAIGE and JACKSON: Shut up, Joan!

I was the one who got to drive the jailbirds home since I was the one who came up with the brilliant plan.

Everyone but Jeremy filed out as soon as I pulled up to the apartment building.

JEREMY: Did you have something to do with my missing stepfather coming back from...vacation?
ME: Let's just say with a little make-up, Hank makes a really great old Italian guy.

Jeremy laughed.

JEREMY: It can't have been that simple.
ME: The PPD aren't that clever, Jeremy.
JEREMY: Apparently not.
ME: Don't I get a thank you kiss?
ME: On the cheek?

He sighed, and then leaned over and gave me my kiss.

JEREMY: Thank you.

He got out of the car, and I was in love.

I really was.

And I looked up, and saw Billy staring at me out the window.

I blew him a kiss.

It was the least I could do.

I was going to steal his boyfriend after all.

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