Saturday, January 22, 2011

Working Overtime

Hi, my name is Jeremy.

IVAN: Are we going to get in trouble?
ME: Ivan, I own half the company. Relax.

Ivan and I stopped by the theater space after a night out at the club once my intervention/e.r. fiasco was complete.

IVAN: So your mom is fine?
ME: Just having one of her 'nobody is paying attention to me so my body is shutting down' incidents.
IVAN: Does she do that a lot?
ME: Usually only when one of her children is in trouble or experiencing happiness.
IVAN: Well, at least nobody got hurt.
ME: Yeah, and the whole thing was so distracting everybody forgot about the intervention.
IVAN: I think people who are capable of forgetting an intervention probably shouldn't be throwing an intervention in the first place.
ME: You stage an intervention. You don't throw it. It's not a surprise party.
IVAN: It kind of is--just not for the person it's being thrown for.

I was really hoping we'd both be high by now, but with the way the conversation was going, it might not even be necessary.

IVAN: Hey, I have a surprise for you.
ME: Oh yeah? What?

That was when he picked me up, pushed me onto my desk, and started sucking on my neck.

ME: Ivan--
IVAN: Nobody's here.
ME: I'd like to just go one day without acting irresponsible.
IVAN: Great. That day can be tomorrow.

He took off my shirt and started kissing down my stomach. I started unbuttoning his pants.



The lights came on.

BEN: What the hell are you doing?

I threw my shirt on, but I think Ben was aware that I wasn't auditioning Ivan for a role.

Then again--

BEN: Jeremy, can I see you in private for a second?
IVAN: I think you've seen a lot of private stuff already, bro.
BEN: Bro?
ME: Ben, relax.
BEN: Don't tell me to relax. You're having sex in the office.
ME: It's not like I'm billing anybody for it.
BEN: I'm guessing the intervention didn't take.

Ben threw down the stack of papers he was carrying. They fell everywhere.

ME: I guess I'm cleaning those up.
BEN: Don't bother. Our new intern can do it.
ME: Intern?
BEN: Yeah, I just decided to hire him.
ME: What's his name?

Ben smiled.

BEN: Nathan.

In other words, the guy who shot me.

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