Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Freshman

Hi, my name is Billy.

JONATHAN: Excuse me, but you’re doing it wrong.
ME: Excuse me, but excuse me?

Why is it that every year there’s another freshman who thinks he knows everything?

I was thinking that this year it would be Patrick, but so far he’s too busy hitting on Joey when Adam’s not looking.

And so the winner is—

JONATHAN: It’s supposed to go step, clap, clap, down. You’re only clapping once, and then going down.
JACKSON : Usually he goes down, and then gives you the clap.
ME: Shut up, Jackson .

I was hoping that Jackson wouldn’t get in the musical this year, but not only did he get in—

JACKSON : Fine, I’ll just go back to looking at all my lines.

He got the lead.

JACKSON : My many, many lines.
HANK: …Of coke.
JACKSON : Shut up, Hank.

This might be why it takes us two weeks to block one number.

After rehearsal, I walked out to my car to find Jonathan waiting for me.

JONATHAN: I didn’t mean to sound like a jerk.
ME: It’s okay. You just might want to think about how you phrase things.
JONATHAN: I try, but when I’m around you, I get really nervous.

Instantly, he began to blush.

JONATHAN: I mean, you guys. When I’m around, you know, you guys, and, um, you know what? I’m just going to walk back to the dorms. Sorry. Really. Yeah.

It’s funny. All that stuttering and twitching—

ME: Hey wait.
--It reminded me of Jeremy.

ME: Do you need a ride back to the dorms?

Even funnier?

He has Jeremy’s smile too.

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