Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Few Little Pills Never Hurt

Hi, my name is Hank.

DAVIS: I need another two.
ME: No chance.

Medicating Davis has become my new full-time job.

DAVIS: C'mon, Hank. I just found out I have a sister. This hasn't exactly been your typical week.
ME: These pills are really addictive. I can't just give it to you whenever you feel like it.
DAVIS: I've had those sorts of relationships before, and let me tell you something, they're a lot better than this.
ME: Actually, we should be weaning you off the pills.
DAVIS: Nooo! I hate weaning!

I don't plan on weaning Davis off the drugs completely. After all, I've discovered that they do wonders for me.

After sneaking one or two here and there, I decided that it's fun to be medicated.

Oh go ahead, and judge me, but you try being in a sham marriage with a sick person and see if it doesn't put you on edge.

ME: You know, you shouldn't take Joan at her word.
DAVIS: My detective backed it up.
ME: I can't believe you hired a detective.
DAVIS: It was for Jeremy. To find out if Paige was up to something with this whole adoption thing.
ME: Why would Paige be up to something?
DAVIS: I don't know, but don't you think it's a little strange that she turns out to be my sister?
ME: Did your parents--
DAVIS: My parents both died when I was young. My grandparents raised me. They never mentioned a daughter.
ME: So you're saying there's a chance?

Knock, knock.

ME: I'll get it.
DAVIS: If there were a chance, it would be great. A bone marrow donor could save my life.

I opened the door.

PAIGE: Hi Hank, is my brother here?

I'm going to need to refill Davis' prescription.

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