Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Shot the Mayor

Hi, my name is Davis.

LIAM: Davis, can you hear me?
NATHAN: Good thing he had the bulletproof vest on.
ADAM: Good thing you didn't shoot him in the head.
NATHAN: Shut up, Adam.

I think I passed out.

I haven't been shot many times.

Shot at, yes. Successfully shot? Not so much.

And what they don't tell you is that even when you're wearing a vest, it hurts.

It hurts like a--

LIAM: Davis, are you all right?
ME: Is everybody okay?
KEN: I'm fine.
HANK: Nobody cares about you, Ken.
NATHAN: Prisms is now the city's newest parking lot.
ADAM: Jeremy was still inside.
ME: What?
LIAM: We don't know that. He might have just--
ME: Who else is missing?
HANK: Joey, Ritchie--
BEN: Jackson and Paige.

This was bad.

ME: Why aren't the streetlights on?
LIAM: Apparently, the gunman set off a bomb nearby that knocked out most of the lights downtown. He probably wanted to keep us occupied.
ME: Where IS the gunman?
HANK: Hopefully trapped under what used to be our old club.

Our old club.

That kind of tugged at my heartstrings.

Except not really.

ME: Is anybody going through the--
LIAM: We're looking through the rubble for whoever's missing.
ME: Get more people to help. Get as much as we can.
LIAM: Look, we need to think about prioritizing here.
BEN: Prioritizing? We have friends buried underneath a building!
LIAM: And we may have a crazed gunman terrorizing the city.
ADAM: What are the odds he escaped?
VOICE: Hey guys?

Kate, Ritchie's producer, came barreling towards us.

KATE: We got a report that three men and a young woman were seen on the top floor of the mall parking garage. Care to comment?
HANK: There are people at the mall. What a shock.
KATE: One of the guys has a gun and he seems to be holding the other three hostage.
BEN: That could be--
ME: Somebody put me in a police car. We're going to the mall.
KEN: Joey's probably there. He loves the mall.
ADAM: Do we need to keep him around?

While the boys bitched, I made up my mind.

I was through playing fun with hostages.

As soon as there was a clear shot at this guy--

He was getting taken down.

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