Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Day at City Hall

Hi, my name is Davis.

LIAM: Your approval ratings are through the roof.
ME: Because I faced down a gunman?
LIAM: You were wearing a bulletproof vest.
ME: He could have shot me in the foot.

Liam loves me. But he loves the Mayor more.

That may sound like an odd statement, but trust me, it'd make sense if you spent any time with us.

The Mayor is almost like a separate persona that I put on everyday like an old jacket that doesn't fit quite right.

Liam also loves talking about my numbers.

And right now, my numbers are great. Because--

LIAM: People love the CBQ's.
ME: There are no more CBQ's. That's over. We had a brief reunion to thwart Bart, and now that's done with, and we can all get on with our lives.
LIAM: Your talk with Jeremy didn't go well?
ME: He doesn't want to stay.
LIAM: Did you try promising him things? Money? A house? Sex?
ME: Liam!
LIAM: Not with you! ...Necessarily.

This is why we get along, because we're both ambitious.

LIAM: By the way, you have a meeting.
ME: With who?
LIAM: The hostage negotiator.

Oh damn.

ME: Uh, I'm busy.
LIAM: What do you mean you're busy?
ME: I'm--Why does he want to see me?
LIAM: He doesn't. Or he didn't. I arranged the meeting.
ME: Why would you do that?
LIAM: Because you need to thank him for all his help.
ME: He let me go into a building where I proceeded to get shot at.
LIAM: It was a risky call, but it paid off.
ME: I don't want to see him.
LIAM: Davis, just thank him for his service, and that'll be it. I'm sending him in. Be nice.

I've already been too nice. That's the problem.

Liam walked out, and then Paul walked in looking quite professional.

It made me want to take him right there on my desk.

PAUL: Hello Mr. Mayor.
ME: Hi. Uh, thank you for, you know, your service.
PAUL: Is that a pun?
ME: No. Well, I guess it is, but it wasn't meant to be.
PAUL: Don't worry, Davis. I don't plan on telling anybody about know.
ME: Thank you.
PAUL: But I don't appreciate being made to feel like a homewrecker.
ME: Trust me, it's not much of a home.
PAUL: Even so.
ME: I'm sorry.
PAUL: It's fine.
ME: And, honestly, thank you for all your help. You probably saved at least one of our lives.
PAUL: It's what I do.
ME: Still.
PAUL: Well, to be honest, it was a kind of a thrill. I'm a huge CBQ fan.

With that, he left.

And he left me thinking.

Just how many fans are left out there?

And how much higher could my numbers get?

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