Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Up for the Challenge

Hi, my name is Jeremy.

WILDE: Did you boys miss me?

Looks like someone's taken up Wilde's old domain.

The New Wilde Blog.com hit the web running, and I have to hand it to whoever is writing for it--the site looks great.

WILDE: I thought I'd issue my first Wilde Challenge.


WILDE: That's right kids, we're going to have ourselves a little competition.

This can't be good.

WILDE: Tonight's another winter storm in Providence, but when did a little precipitation ever stop anybody from having a good time?

A little precipitation? It was a disaster outside. I'm not even sure anything is open.

WILDE: At midnight tonight, anybody that's dancing on the bar at Prisms will receive a cool five hundred bucks.

Five hundred bucks?

WILDE: I've left it with the bartender in a cute little pink envelope. Now, if there are more than one person on the box at midnight, you'll have to split the cash. That means you might want to get your kicking shoes out, kids.

I could definitely use the money. Now that I've taken up having a drink now and then, cash has been a little tight.

Jackson's holed up at the hospital in case Mom wakes up and tries taking a doctor hostage. Paige is with Nathan getting to know her new brother. Davis just got released and is back home recuperating and/or eating Hank alive for feeding him placebos.

That means I really don't have plans so...

If I said I want your body now...

There's my phone.

ME: Hello?
IVAN: Did you see the challenge?
ME: Wow, word travels fast.
IVAN: Are you up for it?
ME: Ivan, it's really bad out.
IVAN: I'll make you a deal. You can keep the whole five hundred. I just want to have an adventure.

It was already eight o'clock. If nobody saw that post and decided to go insane in the next four hours, then that money was mine.

ME: Let me get a shovel. My car must look like a carton of ice cream.
IVAN: Better idea.

I heard a noise outside.

When I looked out the window, there was Ivan.

On a snowmobile.

It's going to be a good night.

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