Monday, February 9, 2009

The Morning After

Hi, my name is Joey.

JACKSON: I think he's waking up.
JEREMY: I'm still not entirely convinced that you had nothing to do with this.
JACKSON: Hey, I like my sexual partners conscious. Call me picky.
ME: Billy, are you okay?

I was at Jeremy's apartment picking him up for our Tuesday class off-campus. We usually get together and eat breakfast before heading to Gymnastics across town.

When I got to his apartment, Jeremy and Jackson were there, and Billy was passed out in Jackson's bed.

ME: So what happened?
JACKSON: I think he got drugged.
ME: But not by you?
JACKSON: I don't need to drug anyone to get them in bed. Although I admit, his passing out did put a hamper on my flirtations.
JEREMY: You were flirting with him?
JACKSON: Hey, you made the brownies. I'm just licking the bowl.

There was a knock on the door and Jackson went to get it.

JEREMY: This is so weird. First Carter, now Billy--
ME: You think there's a connection?
JEREMY: I don't know. It just seems strange. Jackson said he used the men's room twice when he and Billy were at Texture, so I guess somebody could have put something in Billy's drink when he wasn't looking.
ME: We can ask him when he wakes up if he remembers anything unusual.
JEREMY: But if it's like Carter--
ME: He won't remember anything at all.
JEREMY: You got it.

Jackson came back into the room with Eli behind him.

JACKSON: Look who decided to pay us a visit.
ELI: Aren't we going to class? Why is Billy still asleep?
ME: He was drugged.
ELI: Are you serious?
JACKSON: I know. What a buzz kill, right?

Jeremy's phone rang.

JEREMY: That's probably Davis. He's been calling every five minutes.
JACKSON: Why doesn't he just pop by? I was going to make breakfast.
ELI: I'm down. What are we having?
JEREMY: Jackson's breakfast consists of two slices of toast and an episode of Ab Fab.
JACKSON: And the issue is?

Jeremy took the call just as my phone rang.

ME: Hello?
VOICE: Hey, is this Joey?
ME: Yes.
VOICE: This is Skyler. I'm the Director of Tommy.
ME: Oh right, my friend was in that.

I looked over at Eli, who was poking Billy in the face.

ELI: Sorry.
JACKSON: He was only pokin' fun.
ELI: Grease 2?

I went back to my conversation.

ME: So you're calling--
SKYLER: I need a replacement for the lead.
ME: Oh?
SKYLER: Yeah. I heard from Murray at Ocean State that you were pretty good.
ME: Uh, well, the thing is--

I looked back over at Eli. I couldn't just take a role from him, could I?

ME: I'm in.

Apparently, I could. I went into the kitchen and Skyler gave me the details on the role and my first rehearsal. Then I went back into the bedroom. Jeremy was sitting next to Billy, who seemed to be coming around.

ELI: What was that about?
ME: Just...a role in a show I just got.
ELI: Oh, cool. What show?
ME: Um...a musical.
ELI: That's awesome! Where?

I saw Billy start to open his eyes, and I decided to drop my bomb.

ME: It's the role you gave up. LOOK! Billy's awake!

Just then, my phone vibrated. It was a text message from--

ME: Cal?
ELI: You took my role?
JACKSON: What about Cal?
JEREMY: Guys, can someone get him some water?

I flipped open the phone and checked the text.

FROM CAL: It's Billy you need to look out for--he's dangerous.

I was still processing what the message said when I looked up to see Billy staring at me.

BILLY: Hey Joey...

Eli saved me from having to respond by tackling me to the bed. Jackson and Jeremy grabbed him and tried getting him off me but he had the strength of someone twice his size--so basically your average nine-year-old.


Something told me we were going to be late for class.

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