Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Hurricane Party

Hi, my name is Carter.

JOEY:  Where is everyone?

I'm living in a misnomer.

ME:  Well, it's not really a hurricane.
NATHAN:  Yeah, but Hurricane Party still sounds better than Heavy Rain party.
ELI:  OMG!  New nickname--Heavy Rain.
JOEY:  With possible herpes.

Joey and Eli were still fighting over the sabotaged show.

NATHAN:  I know Hank wasn't going to come, but then he changed his mind when his Dad let him use the Super Trooper, so he was going to go pick up Jeremy and Jackson.
JOEY:  I thought Ben was going to pick up Jeremy and Jackson?
ME:  We haven't heard from anybody.  Should we be worried?


ELI:  Nah, they're big boys.  What's the worst they could have gotten themselves into?
NATHAN:  That's one line for the disaster movie trailer.
ME:  Sorry guys, but I have to jet too.  It's time to work.
NATHAN:  You mean time to get naked?
ME:  Demi-naked, thank you.
ELI:  Is that like Demi Moore?
JOEY:  Vaya con dios, Carter.

The party was surprisingly poppin' considering how bad it was outside.  I was making cracklin' money when I noticed someone tappin' on my shoulde'.

VOICE:  We meet again.

I turned around and nearly walked right into Adam Setter.

ME:  Oh, heeeeeey.
ADAM:  Don't hey me you little drink.
ME:  Drink?
ADAM:  Drunken twink.  God, don't you read blogs?
ME:  Nooo.
ADAM:  You left me passed out in a hotel hot tub.
ME:  You roofied me!
ADAM:  If I roofied you, then why was I unconscious?
ME:  Maybe you thought you were taking ecstasy and took that instead?
ADAM:  Either way, I could have died.  You just left me there.
ME:  I got scared.

Adam came towards me.

ADAM:  You think you were scared then?  You should really be scared now.

He went to grab me, but I threw my tray of drinks at him and ran towards the stairs, colliding with Nathan.

NATHAN:  Carter, what's the matter?
ME:  I ran into Adam.  He's pissed.
NATHAN:  Oh great.

That was when the lights went out.

NATHAN:  What did Eli say about--?

He couldn't finish his sentence, because the sprinklers went off.

NATHAN:  Yeah, that.

I felt a hand grab me, so I booked it--taking Nathan's hand and dragging him along.  We ran upstairs and smack into Eli.

ELI:  You guys we have to get out of here!
ME:  I know!  I'm being chased by the most important club promoter in town!
NATHAN:  He wants to make Carter his houseboy.
ELI:  WHATEVER!  The dance floor has a dip in it.  If the sprinklers don't stop, the whole place is going to become a giant swimming pool!

We looked down, and sure enough there was already a foot of water on the floor.  Then we saw two guys going to open the downstairs double doors.

NATHAN:  Oh, thank God.

As soon as the doors were open, a huge wave of water came pouring into the club.

ELI:  I think I heard something about downtown being flooded!
ME:  It must have hit the club district.
NATHAN:  So how are we getting out of here?

Some guy ran by us and yelled that we all needed to get to the roof.

ELI:  Great idea.
NATHAN:  Wait, where's Joey?

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of green in the new downstairs Prism swimming pool.

ME:  Joey's down there!
NATHAN:  Holy--
ME:  I have to go get him!
NATHAN:  You can't!  Adam's down there!
ELI:  Ugh, this calls for Eli.

He took off his shirt, handed it to me, and jumped off the railing.

NATHAN:  I'd go after him, but he was the one who said worse things could--

That was when the bottle came down on top of Nathan's head.  He fell down onto the floor.  Adam was standing behind him.

ADAM:  You're coming with me.

At that moment, all I could think of was--

I really shouldn't have worn my white underwear.

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