Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Letter from New York

Hi, my name is Billy.

WILDE BLOG: Looks like one of our CBQ's may be defecting to the Big A.

My boyfriend may be leaving me.

WILDE BLOG: The Wilde Blog has obtained a letter from a prestigious theater company in New York offering one of the nicest kids in town a chance to head to the big city.

I knew this wouldn't last.

Jeremy got a letter from New York asking him to come be the literary intern at Present Company, an Off-Broadway theater.

Luckily, I intercepted the letter before he could see it.

I was sitting in his room reading it when he showed up.

JEREMY: Hey mister.
ME: Hey.
JEREMY: Didn't you have class?
ME: It got cancelled.
JEREMY: Great. If you give me a second to change, we can have lunch.
ME: Sounds good.

He started to grab a change of clothes from his closet.

ME: Hey--do you ever miss New York?
JEREMY: That's a funny question.
ME: I was just wondering.
JEREMY: Well, it was exciting, but...
ME: But?

He turned to me, kissed me, and said--

JEREMY: It didn't have you.

Relief washed over me.

ME: So if you got the chance to go back, you wouldn't?

He looked a little confused.

JEREMY: I don't know. I guess it would depend on why I'd be going back.
ME: What if it was a really great opportunity to work at a great theater...or something?

A second went by, then--

JEREMY: I guess then I'd have to go.
ME: But what about us?
JEREMY: This is all hypothetical anyway.
ME: Yeah, but I don't like knowing that you would bail on me for--
JEREMY: Were you bailing on me when you went to Florida?
ME: That was different.
JEREMY: How was it different?

He was right.

ME: You're right. I'm sorry.
JEREMY: It's okay. I understand you being worried about me hanging around, but trust me, I'm not going anywhere. Random great job offers don't happen that often.

Jeremy left the room to go grab another sweater from Jackson's room.

That was when I tore up the letter, and shoved it into my pocket.

Great offers don't come along everyday, but neither do great boyfriends.

I wasn't about to let Jeremy go just yet.

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