Monday, January 4, 2010

Ben's Ball and Chain

Hi, my name is Ben.

NATHAN: Can you fix my tie?

This is my ball and chain.

NATHAN: I haven't seen these people all summer. I'd like to look presentable.

Otherwise known as Nathan.

We spent most of our summer at a theater in the Midwest and the rest of it--

NATHAN: Why do you look so nervous?

--Well, we'll get to that.

ME: I don't think this is right.
NATHAN: Well, I'm not great at tying ties--
ME: No, I mean, us pretending to be a couple. We already did this once and it blew up in our face.
NATHAN: This time is different.
ME: How?
NATHAN: This time we mean it. We are a couple, Ben. We're a team.
ME: Except one of us really, really wants to trade to another team.
NATHAN: You want to start dating women?
ME: Ha ha.

He smiled at me.

NATHAN: Ben, you can break up with me anytime you want. Although I can't imagine many people would want to date the jerk who broke up with a--

That was when the door to Jeremy and Jackson's apartment opened.

CARTER: Heyyy! Welcome--Ah!

Nathan wheeled past Carter into the living room where we were met with more gasps.

Seriously, who gasps anymore?

JEREMY: Nathan, uh--
HANK: Are you--
BILLY: Is this--

Nathan laughed.

NATHAN: What's the matter?

He threw me a glance.

NATHAN: Never seen a guy in a wheelchair before?

Leave it to Nathan to turn a car crash into something useful.

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