Sunday, April 8, 2012

There's No Going Back

Hi, my name is Adam.

JOEY:  What would you think about us getting married?

Haven't we been through this before?

ME:  Joey, we're not even dating.  You're just staying here until you can get your own place.  This isn't even a permanent set-up for me.  You think I plan on living at the Westin forever?
JOEY:  Why not?  The lobby's so nice.
ME:  Because eventually I'm going back to New York.
JOEY:  Now you sound like Jeremy.
ME:  The difference is, I belong in New York.  Jeremy belongs here among you domestics.

I knew rescuing Joey from his sister wife life was going to end up coming back to kick me in the--

JOEY:  Can we at least have sex?
ME:  Normally, I'd say 'Yes' but I find you have a strange hold on me when sex is involved.
JOEY:  I know, that was kind of the point.
ME:  Do you have any internal monologue at all?
JOEY:  You mean like for auditions?

Knock, knock.

ME:  Hold that thought--or don't.

Jeremy decided to pop in for a visit.

JEREMY:  How are we going to find out whether Billy actually had an affair with Bart?
ME:  Why do we care?
JOEY:  I hope it wasn't while Bart and I were dating.
ME:  We don't even know if it's true.  And even if it is, let Nathan figure it out.  It's his husband that's in jail.
JEREMY:  What about the truth?  What about the fact that Bart tried to kill all of us and Billy might have had something to do with that?
ME:  You used to love Billy.  Do you really think he's capable of that?
JEREMY:  I don't know.  I don't any of these people anymore!

He motioned to Joey.

JOEY:  Trust me, I haven't changed.
ME:  Trust me, he hasn't.

Jeremy sat down on the edge of the bed.

JEREMY:  Even Ben is guilty or Billy is.  Either way, someone I used to care a lot about has become a very bad person.  I want to know which one it is.
JOEY:  Why?  Are you going to try to get back with one of them?

From the look on Jeremy's face, I already knew the answer.

And I knew which one he wanted back.

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