Monday, May 18, 2009

The Lakehouse

Hi, my name is Ritchie.

JEREMY: It feels like it was yesterday.

They say time heals all wounds.

BILLY: I can't believe he's gone.

Of course, I don't know who 'they' is...

NATHAN: It was a beautiful funeral.

There we all were--standing in the cemetery.

BEN: I've been coming here every day. I don't know why.

Minus one, of course.

DAVIS: He's in a better place.

First, Joey. Now--

HANK: I should have been nicer to him.

--Now this.

JACKSON: It's going to rain soon.

How did this happen?

CARTER: Poor Eli.

Time for a flashback.


We were all at my parents' lakehouse a week after the shoot-out at Davis' place. Carter was nearly gunned down by the police, but luckily, due to litigious issues, they hesitated before firing away as I'm sure they would have liked.

CARTER: Guys, I'm going to do a cannonball!

Bart was going to be put away for awhile, but Cal was released on bail after questioning, and promptly disappeared.

HANK: Make sure to hit your head on a rock.

Summer was here early, and I think we were all happy to have a detox period.

DAVIS: You going swimming, Jeremy?
JEREMY: You know I don't take my shirt off.
JACKSON: Not without dinner, anyway.

I had made the unfortunate mistake of inviting Paige.

PAIGE: I feel like I'm one of the gang.
BEN: You know, some people try to get OUT of this group, Paige. I don't know why you'd want to get into it.
PAIGE: You boys are harmless.
BILLY: Except for those of us who turn into murderers.
NATHAN: Or blackmailers.
ME: Don't knock blackmail. If nothing else, it's effective.

That's when I heard Eli call out. He was standing on a small cliff overlooking the east side of the lake.

ELI: Hey guys! Watch this!

He jumped...

HANK: Show-off.

...But he didn't come up.

About a minute later, we were all jumping into the lake calling his name. Nobody could find him anywhere.

DAVIS: He's got to be here somewhere!
JEREMY: This lake is huge! He might have drifted!
JACKSON: Somebody should call an ambulance.

We all shouted until our voices were hoarse, but we never found him.

-- End of Flashback --

I put a flower on the grave--a grave with no body in it.

DAVIS: It doesn't make sense. He couldn't have just disappeared.
JACKSON: Why not? Other people have.
CARTER: Poor Eli.
BILLY: Carter, you've said that a million times.
CARTER: Because it never stops being true.

I put my arm around Carter's waist, and we walked away together.

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