Thursday, January 22, 2009

Summer Friends

Hi, my name is Jeremy.

DAVIS: So you've decided to start bromancing me again?

And this is my friend, Davis.

After getting past the cold shoulders we've been giving each other, Davis and I decided we needed a night of bonding at Prisms.

It's not that I was ever mad at Davis. It's just that he knows me better than anyone else, and sometimes that's not such a good thing.

DAVIS: So what are you hiding?

See what I mean?

ME: This summer was a little crazy.
DAVIS: Crazier than when you had to pick me up at the bottom of a fire escape downtown.
ME: And bring you clothing.
DAVIS: Let's not talk about that part.
ME: It just wasn't fun-crazy. Can we leave it at that?
DAVIS: As you wish, Buttercup.

A half hour later, we were talking and laughing just like summer hadn't even happened, which is exactly what I wanted. Carter, Hank, and Joey showed up too.

CARTER: You know, I'm going to need a job since I'm about to be a Daddy.
HANK: Hooking won't get you healthcare. Remember that, Carter.
JOEY: Why don't you become a shotboy? They make good money.
CARTER: I'm not walking around in my underwear while creepy guys grab my ass.
HANK: You mean you don't want to do that AND get paid for it.
DAVIS: Hank makes a good point, Carter.
ME: Don't work here though. They don't give you nearly enough sick time.

While we were discussing employment options, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

VOICE: Hey stranger.

Uh oh.

I turned around to see someone who has no business being outside of New York.

ME: Hey Ray.
RAY: Surprised?
ME: I'm nothing but surprised these days.
RAY: I was in the area and I remembered you telling me about this place.
ME: Why were you in the area?
RAY: To see you. Why else?

The boys didn't take long to notice my conversation.

DAVIS: And who is this handsome fella?
RAY: I'm Ray. I'm one of Jeremy's friends from New York.
HANK: So you're the reason he didn't call for three months?
RAY: I'm one of the reasons.
JOEY: How did you two meet?
RAY: It's a long story.
DAVIS, CARTER, HANK, and JOEY: We've got time.

I shot Ray a pleading look. He then shot me back a 'Fine, but this isn't over' look.

RAY: Maybe another time. I'm beat.
DAVIS: Where are you staying?
RAY: I was going to get a hotel room.
DAVIS: Don't be silly. You're a friend of a friend's. You can stay with me.
RAY: I couldn't.
ME: He really couldn't.
DAVIS: But I love house guests.
HANK: He really does.

Ray smiled. I immediately felt my stomach turn over at least four times.

DAVIS: C'mon.
RAY: Well...Why not? It'll save me some money. Besides, I'm not going to be in town long anyway.
CARTER: What are you here to do?

This is where I got the sly look that haunted most of my summer.

RAY: I'm here to take care of some unfinished business.

Spotted: Georgina Sparks' male doppleganger--right here in Providence.

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