Saturday, January 24, 2009

Late Night Comfort

Hi, my name is Ben.

BILLY: Ben? You okay?

It's time to move into the final phase of my plan.

I showed up at Billy's dorm at around 1am soaking wet from the rain--thank you, nature, for doing your part--and looking like a lost puppy.

ME: Can I c-c-c-come in?
BILLY: Sure, absolutely.

It was late, but that was the point. I didn't want Billy thinking too clearly. Nostalgia is more potent after midnight.

I sat down on his bed and upped my shaking.

BILLY: Can I get you a blanket?
ME: Actually, could I borrow some dry clothes?
BILLY: Yeah, totally.

This was merely a way to allow me to show some skin--remind him what he used to get regularly.

He handed me a shirt and jeans.

ME: Billy, it's okay. You've seen me naked.
BILLY: Yeah, but now--you and Nathan--

Oh, thank you, for bringing up Nathan.

ME: I just...I just...I'm so unhappy!

I fell into a pile on the floor. It could have been a little much, but Billy was a good soul and lifted me back up onto the bed. I fell back a little hard, causing him to land right on top of me.

We had another intense stare, and I went to move in for the kiss when--

Knock, knock.

ME: Who the hell is that?

Damn. I dropped cover. Thankfully, Billy didn't seem to notice.

BILLY: No clue.

He opened the door.

CARTER: Guess whose drunk?

I'm going to kill him.

CARTER: Meeeeeee!

He walked into the room and fell onto the bed next to me. If he hadn't landed on the pillow, I would have used it to smother him.

BILLY: Carter crashes here sometimes when he goes out and drinks too much.
ME: He can't go crash somewhere more appropriate? A methadone clinic maybe?
CARTER: Hey Ben, why are you here?

I was getting to that, fuckface.

ME: I had a fight with Nathan.
CARTER: Awww, that's too bad. You two are a cute--

He couldn't finish what he was saying, because he promptly threw up over the side of the bed.

BILLY: Don't worry. He's done this before.

And there went the romance.

ME: I'm going to head out.
BILLY: I thought you wanted to talk?

I wanted to do more than talk.

ME: It's cool. We can, um, talk some other time.
CARTER: Owww, stomach.
ME: Good luck with--all this.

I left before Old Faithful could spew again.

In retrospect, I guess it would have been more endearing if I had stayed and helped Billy.

But why overdo it?

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