Monday, January 12, 2009

Carter in Exile

Hi, my name is Carter.

JEREMY: Hey Big Daddy.

I'm going to be a father.

JEREMY: I'm here to lift your exile.

I've never been so happy to see Jeremy in my life. But for a second, I was a little anxious. He and his brother really do look identical.

When he found me, I was sitting the Dining Center eating lunch by myself, like I usually do now. My friends from last year won't even talk to me.

Jeremy gave me a big hug, and sat down across from me.

JEREMY: So when's the baby coming?
ME: Christmas.
JEREMY: Ho ho ho.
ME: Look, if you're going to make fun of me too--
JEREMY: I was referring to Santa, Carter.
ME: Oh...Santa's a ho? Ohhhhhh! Never mind.

Towards the end of school last year, I went to a party and got really wasted. When I woke up, I was lying naked in a bed with some girl I'd only met that night.

And now I'm going to have a kid. A little meeeeeeee.

JEREMY: So how come nobody's talking to you anymore?
ME: They said they were sick of me being a fuck-up.
JEREMY: But they're all fuck-ups, too. They just hide it better.
ME: I know, but when I get mad I can't express my thoughts. So when they told me to get lost, I just did.
JEREMY: You didn't get very far. The theater department is only a few buildings down.
ME: Sometimes I like to look through the glass into the world of my former life.
JEREMY: Have you been writing bad poetry again?
ME: It's not all bad.

I didn't tell Jeremy about what his brother did. How Jackson tried to get me in bed when he first got to town, and how when I didn't let him because he reminded me of Jeremy and Jeremy's like a brother to me and that would be just ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww how Jackson got mad and then everyone got mad and I think Jackson had something to do with it but I can't--

JEREMY: Earth to Carter?
ME: Sorry. I was rambling.
JEREMY: Rambling in your own head? That should be the title of my autobiography. Come on.

He grabbed my hand.

ME: Where are we going?
JEREMY: Didn't you hear what I said when I sat down? We're reinstating you as a CBQ.
ME: They won't--
JEREMY: Let me handle those little bitches.

We walked over to the theater building. Everyone was sitting in the Fish Bowl--Ben, Billy, Nathan, Eli, Joey, Hank, and Jackson.

Jeremy's twin had transferred into the department from whatever school he was at before, but I think this was the first Jeremy knew of it because--

JEREMY: Don't tell me Clone goes to school here now.
ME: Jeremy, it might be better to talk about this calmly.
JEREMY: I'm calm as a fucking cucumber, Carter, now shut up.
ME: Wow, you're like a real New Yorker now.
JEREMY: Watch and learn.

We walked into the Fish Bowl with Jeremy still holding my hand.

JEREMY: Carter meet everyone, everyone meet Carter.
BEN: Uh, we know him.
JEREMY: Oh really? Then why was he sitting alone at the Dining Center?
HANK: Because we don't want to know him anymore.
JEREMY: Tough. He's back. Deal with it.

Nathan stood up.

NATHAN: Oh, so you can force us to hang out with people now?
JEREMY: No, but I can stop hanging out with all of you.
BEN: Fine. Take a hike.
JEREMY: Oh, so now Sonny and Cher are banishing me, too?

Hank got between Jeremy and Sonny and--I mean Ben and Nathan.

HANK: Jeremy, don't do this. Don't get yourself in trouble for Carter.
JEREMY: Carter is one of us. He's our friend. And he may not be perfect. He may be dirty, and ditzy, and a moocher, but he's still our friend. And he's not any more of a dick than we are. We don't just toss each other aside when we're pissed at each other, especially not when one of us is going through a hard time. That's not how things work. You want cliques? Go back to junior high. We're adults. You should all start acting like it.

Eli stood up.

ELI: You know, ever since you got back from New York you think you can just boss everyone around like you're better than all of us?
JEREMY: Oh Eli, didn't you get the memo? I am better than a closet-case cocksucker Miley-wannabe.

Eli went to punch Jeremy, but I went to block him and took the punch instead. I went down hard. Pretty soon everyone was standing over me.

JOEY: Carter, can you hear me?
HANK: Carter, can you see me?
BILLY: Carter, can you touch--never mind.

The room seemed to be spinning. Hank managed to get me to my feet by pulling me up by the neck like a puppy. He sat me down on the couch.

Jeremy was pointing at Jackson.

JEREMY: You had something to do with this.
JOEY: Jeremy, don't be insane. Jackson never did anything.
JEREMY: Oh, so now you know my brother better than I do?

Billy shoved Jeremy.

BILLY: We don't need to know him. He was here. We were here. You were the one who wasn't here. So you don't have a right to say anything.

Billy stormed out of the Fish Bowl. Ben and Nathan went after him. Eli got in Jeremy's face.

ELI: You and I are done. You understand me? Done.
JEREMY: I'll cry later.

Eli left the room. Then Jackson stood up.

JACKSON: You're losing all your allies, Clone.
ME: Is that your nickname for each other?
JEREMY: That's my nickname for him. He stole it. Just like he tries to steal everything.
JOEY: Jeremy, stop.
HANK: This is stupid.
JEREMY: Carter's back, Jackson. End of story.
JACKSON: Fine, what do I care?

That got me mad.

ME: You cared when I wouldn't sleep with you.

It was like it all happened so fast. I said what I said, then Hank said--

HANK: Jackson, you tried to sleep with--

Then Jeremy grabbed Jackson and pushed him up against the glass. I thought it was going to shatter and the two of them were going to go right through it.

JEREMY: Don't you ever come near my friends again? Do you hear me?

Jackson just smiled.

JACKSON: It's a little too late for that, Clone.

Hank and Joey grabbed Jeremy and pulled him out of the lounge, but he was yelling at the top of his lungs.


Jackson sat back down, still smiling.

And me? I passed out.

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