Wednesday, April 8, 2009

School Daze

Hi, my name is Carter.

BILLY:  Do you have your song for the audition picked out?

It's musical time again at school.

MAX:  I'm doing 'Tonight at Eight.'
ME:  That's your appointment time?
MAX:  No, that's my song, Carter.

Sometimes I think I shouldn't talk as much as I do.

We were all sitting around the Fish Bowl in between classes.  I was more than in between; I hadn't gone to class in weeks.

HANK:  I'm not even bothering with the audition.  I've got enough to worry about with this stupid like Wilde Blog trashing me.
JEREMY:  You're not the only one.  They called me a fashion disaster.
MAX:  Well then, at least they're not spreading lies.

Nathan came into the Fish Bowl looking worried.

BILLY:  Hey Nathan, what's up?
NATHAN:  Ben's missing.
NATHAN:  He hasn't been back to the apartment in two days.
ELI:  Maybe he went on vacation?
NATHAN:  During audition week, very doubtful.

Not another person missing.  I couldn't do it anymore.

ME:  Hey guys?
HANK:  Not now, Carter.
ME:  I'm--
JEREMY:  Carter, please.  We don't know where--
ME:  I'm quitting school.

Everyone looked at me.  I finally had their attention.  Why does it always feel so good when when they look at me?  Even when it's for the wrong reasons.

ME:  I'm done.  I can't do this drama anymore.  I can't handle all the gossip and the craziness.  I just want to be on my own.

Jeremy stood up.

JEREMY:  Then go.
ME:  Huh?

I was waiting for him to ask me to stay.

JEREMY:  You know what?  I had to bust my ass to get you back into everyone's good graces, and now you just want to leave when the going gets tough?
ME:  It's just--
JEREMY:  No, I don't want to hear it.  Just leave.  I'm sick of everybody saying 'Drama' and running for the hills.  Look on the door, Carter.  This is the Drama DEPARTMENT.  This is what we do here.  We lead crazy lives.  We have insane fights.  We make up.  We go out.  We get over it.  If you don't want that anymore, I'm sure they'd love to have you in Accounting.

I didn't know what to say.

HANK:  Wow, Jeremy, you went all Tyra.
JEREMY:  Never mind.  I'll leave.

He walked out the door.

NATHAN:  I have class.
BILLY:  Me too.
MAX:  I have to go over my song.
ELI:  I...uh...lunch.
HANK:  I'm just leaving so Carter can reflect.

And then I was alone.

What have I done?

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