Sunday, January 31, 2010

Under the Table

Hi, my name is Adam.

ME: Do you come here often?
JOEY: I used to before I die--ted a lot.

This was the first time Joey and I had been to a restaurant together--or really, out anywhere together.

At first I thought Joey might be embarrassed of us, but judging by how nervous he was acting, I thought maybe he was on the lam...

...which would be totally hot.

ME: Are you okay? You seem so jumpy.
JOEY: I'm just...not used to...being..OH MY GOD!

He hopped under the table.

ME: What's going on?
JOEY: Some people I know just walked in.

I turned around to see Jeremy, Davis, Jackson, and Billy walk into the restaurant.

ME: Oh, it's cool. They're my friend Paige's brothers and--
JOEY: You're friends with Paige?
ME: Yeah.

He yanked me down under the table as well.

ME: Is this a sex thing?
JOEY: No, I don't want them to see me! I don't understand. Jeremy's Facebook status said they were all going to the movies!
VOICE: The movie was sold out.

All the blood drained from Joey's face. (He doesn't look as good pale.)

He and I poked our heads out from under the table.

JACKSON: Wow Joey, you look pretty good for a dead guy.

I looked at Paige, but she was busy on her Blackberry--

--posting this entire incident on her blog.

Wait a second...

Did Jackson say 'dead?'

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