Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hi, my name is Nathan.

JEREMY: Surprise.

There should be a word for a surprise that you don't want.

ME: Are you selling encyclopedia?
JEREMY: Um, no.
ME: Then why are you here?

If it wasn't for the fact that I dislike Jeremy due to past history and Ben, my nominal boyfriend, being in love with him--I actually wouldn't mind the company.

It was a Saturday night and Ben was out at a movie with some girlfriends.

I was going a little stir crazy, but when you're pretending to be disabled, you can't really hit the town and dance your ass off like you used to in the good old days of a few months ago.

...Yes, I've been drinking...

JEREMY: Can I come in?
ME: I'd rather you threw yourself out a window.
JEREMY: Nathan, I know we haven't always been friends--
ME: We've never been friends.
JEREMY: Fine, never, we've NEVER been friends. That being said, I want to help you.
ME: Help?
JEREMY: Ben said you're having trouble getting a physical therapist you like.

It's more like I can't find a physical therapist I can bribe.

ME: Yeah, and?
JEREMY: I used to have to do physical therapy with my Dad before he died.
ME: I didn't know your Dad was dead.
JEREMY: I don't really like to talk about it.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't let Jeremy help, but--

JEREMY: So let's get started.
ME: Now?
JEREMY: Yeah, why not?
ME: Um...I...Jeremy, it's pointless. I'm not going to walk again.

That's good. Go with despair.

JEREMY: Ben said your doctors said that you could regain feeling in your legs with some hard work.
ME: Yeah, I mean, if you want to talk about miracles--

Jeremy got down on his knees and looked me right in the eyes.

JEREMY: Nathan, I think we've been mean to each other for too long. I think we've all been awful, including me. Now here you are, and you need a friend. Why don't we let this be an opportunity to patch things up?
ME: Or you could just get me drunk.

Jeremy laughed.

JEREMY: Tell you what. Do some exercises with me, and then I'll take you out somewhere. I know all the best handicapped accessible restaurants, and the night is still young.

The offer was too good to pass up.

ME: Fine, but just don't be fooled if my legs feel like they're in good shape.
JEREMY: I promise, I won't push you. We'll go at your pace. Only do what you can do.

Right now all I wanted to do was run.

But admittedly, it was a little bit nice not to be alone.

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