Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Other Trick

Hi, my name is Ben.

BILLY: Can I help you?

I'm seducing Billy...again.

BILLY: Tell me you're not here to seduce me.

Except this time it's not because I want him.

ME: I'm not actually, but I wouldn't mind chatting for a second.

I want his boyfriend.

BILLY: I'm only letting you in out of curiosity.

I won't even touch that one.

I walked into Jeremy's apartment. It seemed quiet.


ME: Where's Jeremy?
BILLY: He's at Davis' having a movie night. Jackson is at Hank's. Paige is God knows where.
ME: And it's cool for you to be here by yourself?
BILLY: Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
ME: You don't really live here.
BILLY: Nobody seems to mind.

I was going to have to act fast. If he was already comfortable enough to hang around the apartment by himself, things were already too serious.

ME: So how are things between you two?
BILLY: They're great. Why are you here?

Since I knew going after Jeremy would be too obvious--both to him and my cross to bear, Nathan--I was going to have to end Jeremy's relationship by going after Billy.

Thank God none of us are straight--otherwise this wouldn't even be an option.

ME: I would like to have a sexual relationship with you.

Here goes nothing.

BILLY: I'm sorry?
ME: Nathan can no longer--Well, he can, but he--it's tricky.
BILLY: So you want me to be your sexual surrogate?
ME: Sort of. I mean, we're already familiar--
BILLY: I am not a restaurant you went to a few times, Ben. I am not Applebee's!
ME: True, but I have needs, Billy.
BILLY: Then find someone else to fill them! Because I am with Jeremy now. And even if I wasn't, your suggestion--

That was when I grabbed by the back of the neck.

BILLY: What are you doing?
ME: You may have won Jeremy over by flashing your shiny halo at him, but I know the real you. I know the boy who likes to bad.
BILLY: You don't know anything.
ME: Oh yeah? Then why haven't you pulled away yet?

I might have had him had the door to the apartment not started to open. Billy pushed me away, and Jackson and Hank walked into the room.

JACKSON: Well what do we have here? Entertaining Billy?
HANK: Who's watching Nathan, Ben?
ME: I got him a baby-sitter. Nice girl from across the street.
BILLY: Ben stopped by to ask me a favor. I said 'No.' Now he's leaving.
JACKSON: What was the favor?

Billy looked at me. If he told them what it was, it would mean he was through with his nasty streak, and I'd be screwed.

If he didn't, it meant--

BILLY: He wanted something I used to have that I don't have anymore.

We're in business.

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