Monday, May 2, 2011

Movie Night

Hi, my name is Billy.

JEREMY: Is that popcorn and a copy of The Goonies in your hands, or are you just happy to see me?
ME: I thought we'd have a movie night. Sort of--I almost died and now I want to reexamine my life and maybe rebuild some of my old friendships kinda thing.
JEREMY: Did you bring peanut M&M's?
ME: Two bags.
JEREMY: Let the healing begin.

I figured if there was anybody who could remind me who I was before I started turning into a bed-hopping, freshman banger--it would be Jeremy.

ME: I just feel like I've had a sexual explosion or something.
JEREMY: Okay, first off, we might be able to rebuild some sort of friendship here, but not by talking about your sexual explosions. That's going to have to be further down the line.
ME: Fair enough.
JEREMY: For what it's worth though, I don't think anybody will fault you for going a little crazy in college. Everybody goes crazy in college. It's a rite of passage.
ME: I just...Joey called me the New Ben.
JEREMY: Billy--
ME: And you know--
JEREMY: Billy!

I looked at him. He put his hand on my shoulder.

JEREMY: You could never be Ben. Not like he was. You never hated yourself that much.

I smiled at him, and he got up.

JEREMY: I'm going to make some more popcorn, and then we're watching The Lost Boys. You've put me in a Corey Feldman sort of mood.
ME: Wow, normally I have to buy you dinner first.
JEREMY: You know you may not be getting any more innocent, but you're definitely getting funnier.
ME: Yeah, they were handing out knock knock jokes at the Slut Academy today.
JEREMY: Oh right, today's Monday.

While he was in the kitchen, I thought about what he said.

You never hated yourself that much.

Wow, I thought, if only he knew.