Friday, January 23, 2009

Just Like Jeremy

Hi, my name is Davis.

JACKSON:  You're a stallion.

I'm a bad, bad person.

JACKSON:  Can you do that again?
ME:  As long as we have a swivel chair.

My affair with Jackson had progressed to a very unhealthy level.


ME:  Jeremy, we should talk.
JACKSON:  Jackson.
ME:  Huh?
JACKSON:  You did it again.
ME:  I called you Jeremy?
ME:  Oh...sorry.
JACKSON:  It's okay.  Even my Mom does it.  I mean, clearly, not in the same circumstances--
ME:  Jesus.

I need to end this, but the truth is...

I'm really enjoying myself.

For one thing, it's like being able to have sex with your best friend without--you know--actually having sex with your best friend.

JACKSON:  Want me to do the Ashton Kutcher again?
ME:  Where did you learn how to do that?
JACKSON:  I read about it in a blog online.
ME:  Were there diagrams?
JACKSON:  Not everybody can do it.  Being double-jointed helps.

Also, Jackson is like Evil Jeremy--which is really hot.

Knock, knock.

ME:  I'll get it.
JACKSON:  Davis, you're naked and sweaty.
ME:  Do you know what the odds are that whoever's behind that door hasn't seen me this way?
JACKSON:  Get me a soda while you're out there then.

I stopped by the kitchen and grabbed a can of root beer.  I'd never keep that carbonated swill in the house, but Jackson likes it.

I grabbed a Pepsi for myself and then walked to the front door.

ME:  Ahhh!
JEREMY:  Are you reenacting that commercial with the construction worker again?
ME:  I think that was Dr. Pepper.
JEREMY:  Can I come in?
ME:  NO!  I mean...No.
JEREMY:  Good think you clarified.  Entertaining, are we?
ME:  Uh...sure.  Yes.  Sorry.  Sometimes I forget that there's no reason to lie.
JEREMY:  It happens to the best of us.
ME:  How did you know--
JEREMY:  Aside from the nudity and the fact that you're holding two soda cans?
ME:  Oh, right.
JEREMY:  Unless you're into double-fisting.
ME:  Eww!
JEREMY:  It means drinking two drinks at once.
ME:  Oh...Then I should really apologize to that bartender.

Jeremy seemed to be staring.

ME:  So?
JEREMY:  You hate root beer.
ME:  I do.
JEREMY:  So why do you have it?
ME:  The, uh, guest likes it.
JEREMY:  That's weird.
ME:  Why?
JEREMY:  Not that many people like root beer.
ME:  Sure they do.  Lots of people like root beer.
JEREMY:  Nobody under the age of seventy.
ME:  C'mon, root beer is an American institution.
JEREMY:  Only weirdoes like root beer.  My brother likes root beer.

Okay, time to steer him away from the hotspot.

ME:  What's your issue?
JEREMY:  I wanted to know if you're still going to the RI-TRI fundraiser this weekend?
ME:  There's a fundraiser?
JEREMY:  Yes.  Jackson's throwing it.
ME:  So why would I know about it?  I don't know about everyone Jackson does.
JEREMY:  Everything?
ME:  Huh?
JEREMY:  You said everyone.
ME:  Right, and?
JEREMY:  Never mind.  You don't know about the fundraiser?
ME:  Like I said, why would I?
JEREMY:  Because it's in your honor.

He handed me a flyer.


JEREMY:  I was a little confused.  What exactly have you contributed besides broken hearts and fake phone numbers?
ME:  I have to go.
JEREMY:  To the fundraiser.
ME:  Well, yes, but no.  I have to
JEREMY:  Okay.
ME:  I have to throw out my guest.

I closed the door and went back to the bedroom.

ME:  You little fucker.
JACKSON:  Is that my new pet name?
ME:  No, your new pet name is Leaving.
JACKSON:  That doesn't really roll off the tongue.
ME:  Nothing is going to be rolling off your tongue anytime soon.  You signed me up for a fundraiser in my honor without TELLING ME!
JACKSON:  Oh, that.  You don't have to go if you don't want to.
ME:  Then who will you honor?  A blow-up doll of me?
JACKSON:  Do you actually have one of those?

I threw the nearest thing I could find at him, which happened to be a stuffed cheetah.

Don't ask.

JACKSON:  Hey, I thought you'd be, you know, honored.
ME:  Oh God.
JACKSON:  It was going to be a surprise.
ME:  Oh, it was.
JACKSON:  You've just been helping so much with the RI-TRI stuff behind the scenes--
ME:  As part of our bargain.
JACKSON:  --That I thought I'd give you some closure on the issue.
ME:  I had closure.
JACKSON:  Having me throw your ass out of a meeting is not closure, Davis.

I sat down on the edge of the bed.  He started rubbing my shoulders.  I could feel my resolve weakening.

JACKSON:  Say you're not angry.
ME:  I hate you.
JACKSON:  I'll take it.

We started kissing, and I knew I was going to end up at that stupid dinner.

I was just hoping Jackson didn't expect me to be his date.  Otherwise Jeremy would turn my banquet into a bloodbath.

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