Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Where There's No Will

Hi, my name is Nathan.

LANDLORD: I have to admit, I didn't think anyone was going to show up for this stuff.

Richard and I were still missing the book that Bart stole from our hotel room.

If that book were to get into the wrong hands, I'd be heading to jail. That means I had to find it.

So I did a little digging, and found out where Bart was staying in Providence--a dingy little apartment on the south side.

I took Richard with me and we pretended to be grieving relatives.

The landlord looked like he was happy to have someone come clean out the place.

LANDLORD: It must be hard for you folks to have a psycho in the family.
ME: Well, now that he's dead, we're all relieved. Awful as that sounds.
RICHARD: Yes, there'll be more ham to go around at Easter.

I jabbed Richard in the side.

The landlord looked suspicious.

LANDLORD: How were you related to him?
ME: We were his--
ME/RICHARD: Cousins/Brothers.
ME: We're a very close family.

The landlord left us alone, and we promised to have the place cleaned out in a few hours.

ME: Find that book.

The place was pretty clean, which was a relief, but there wasn't any sign of a book anywhere.

But there was something on his bed that caught my eye.

ME: A check.
RICHARD: From who?

From Ritchie.

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