Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pre-Show Rituals

Hi, my name is Hank.

RITCHIE: Hank, this isn't a good time.
ME: But I'm nervous. And you know how I get when I get nervous--

I hate that Ritchie and I have fallen into this sexual pattern, but I also find it intoxicating.

Ironically, I'm usually intoxicated when we do it.

I had asked to see him in my dressing room before the reunion.

RITCHIE: We have to be onstage in twenty minutes.
ME: That's fifteen minutes longer than you usually need.
RITCHIE: You bitch.
ME: Whore.

We were on the couch and slapping each other before either of us could say another word.

Then slapping led to kissing and kissing led to--


We both looked up to see Davis standing in the doorway--looking smug.

DAVIS: Good to see some things never change.

Hey, at least I was at a good angle.

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