Tuesday, February 14, 2012

And One More For the Road

Hi, my name is Joey.

Knock, knock.

MORGAN: If that's another one of those queens trying to kidnap you again, I want you to punch them in the face!
KEN: But tell them I said Hi first.

My husbands now have very different ideas about the CBQ's.

Morgan has chosen to believe that I was taken against my will by the guys, because that's what I told him so he wouldn't kill me.

Ken has become a fan.

He's on Season Four of the television show.

KEN: Oh my God! Penny isn't Jason and Jim's sister?

Wait until he finds out that Nick is her brother.

Knock, knock.

When I opened the door, Ritchie was standing there with a camera crew.

I'm starting to wonder if cameras are just surgically attached to him now.

RITCHIE: Joey! What a surprise!
ME: You're at my apartment.
RITCHIE: Oh, you old so-and-so. Always the kidder.

Ritchie and the cameras pushed their way into the apartment.

They didn't have to try too hard. I am kind of a push-over after all.

KEN: Hey Ritchie! I'm so glad you came back in Season Two.
RITCHIE: You're watching the series?
KEN: I'm obsessed!
RITCHIE: That's so sweet! And that's exactly why I'm here.
MORGAN: I'm calling the police.
RITCHIE: Please do, I could use the publicity. Hahaha no, but go ahead. Ask for Officer Kent, he knows me very, very well.
ME: What do you want, Ritchie?

Ritchie smiled that smile that lets me know I'm about to get dragged to the mall nearly unconscious while a crazy guy threatens to throw people off the roof of a parking garage.

RITCHIE: I want a reunion show.

Uh oh.

KEN: Yay!

Morgan shot me a look that let me know this was not a show I was going to be appearing on.

But Morgan's never tussled with Ritchie before.

I wonder who'll kill who first.

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