Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Golden Arches

Hi, my name is Nathan.

JEREMY: I thought you'd be here.

It's actually not that big of a surprise that he found me. I'm at the only McDonald's in Dover--and it's a Saturday night.

That makes this a swinging hotspot.

JEREMY: How are the fries tonight?
ME: Not as good as they were last night.
JEREMY: They smell good.
ME: Do you want some?
JEREMY: No, thanks. I gave up fast food after I saw Super Size Me.
ME: I never saw that.
JEREMY: It's about a guy who gains tons of weight and develops heart problems after eating nothing but McDonald's food for a month.

I pushed my fries aside.

ME: Thanks for ruining that last nugget of heaven in this otherwise hell.
JEREMY: You don't have to be here, you know.
ME: I'm trying to repent.
JEREMY: Nathan, you went a little overboard to keep a guy. We've all done it.
ME: You've faked paralysis?
JEREMY: Hey, I've had sex with Ben, haven't I?

I laughed. Jeremy has a great way of making people laugh.

Maybe that's why I'm falling for him.

ME: To be honest, I care more about you forgiving me then I do Ben forgiving me.
JEREMY: Really, why?
ME: Because I really care about you, Jeremy.

He looked down with those 'uh oh' eyes.

ME: You don't feel the same...gotcha.
JEREMY: I'm with Billy.
ME: Lucky Billy.
JEREMY: Funnily enough, none of you wanted me until I was off the market. I recall Ben being a pretty big catch, but I never was.
ME: People grow up.
JEREMY: Yeah, a little too late.
ME: I know that I picked Ben, but to be fair, so did Billy.

Jeremy stood up.

JEREMY: That was a cheap shot.
ME: Yeah, but not at you.

He leaned over and looked at me--his face softening.

JEREMY: I liked being your friend. I'd like to keep being your friend. But if you can't do that without there being some sort of chance that we'll get together, then maybe we should just forget it.

And with that, he walked away from the table.

I sat there for a second, until two dollar bills fell down on my table.

VOICE: How about you let me take care of those fries for you?

I looked up to see Jeremy--

JACKSON: Unless you have other plans.



Here's an idea.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Take care of those fries" as in, "Give you your money back since you clearly had to pay in the first place in order to get them from McDonald's?" Haha, thanks Jackson you damn cheapskate.