Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Little Vacation

Hi, my name is Jeremy.

JACKSON: He's going to kill us all.

My brother is overreacting.

DAVIS: Jackson, he only wants to kill me...and anyone with me.

Okay, maybe he's not overreacting THAT MUCH.

Hank showed up at a party at my apartment bearing an unconscious Davis in his arms.

When Davis woke up, he convinced us to call off the rescue squad.

DAVIS: This is the kind of thing you keep low-profile.
JOEY: How did Travis find out about your past?
DAVIS: He read it in the Wilde Blog.
PAIGE: Did he like the new aesthetic?


PAIGE: Because that might helps us...figure out his frame of mind.
JACKSON: Paige, we know his frame of mind. He's insane.
BEN: What are you going to do, Davis?
DAVIS: I'm thinking I could hide out for awhile and organize my thoughts. My parents have a cabin in New Hampshire.
ME: I'm going with you.

Everyone looked at me.

ME: If Travis finds you--
DAVIS: He's not going to find me.
HANK: I don't know, Davis. It seems like he really wanted to kill you.
ME: I'm going with you. End of discussion.
BILLY: Uh, Jeremy, can I talk to you for a second?

Billy pulled me into my bedroom.

ME: Is something wrong?
BILLY: Yes, apparently, your brain.
ME: Excuse me?
BILLY: You can't run off with Davis. If he's in trouble--
ME: Then I'm in trouble. He's my best friend.
BILLY: I understand that.
ME: Then don't ask me to abandon him.
BILLY: I wasn't--

But I was already out the door.

I had a plan.

ME: Look, there's safety in numbers, and we could all use a little vacation. Why don't a group of us go up to New Hampshire together and that way if Travis shows up--
ELI: We can what? Tackle him? Be serious.
ME: Fine. I just thought it might just be a nice chance for everybody to get drunk and...spend quality time with each other.

I saw the eyes dart around the room.

Hank wants to get back with Jackson.

HANK: I'm in.

Ritchie wants to hook up with Joey.

RITCHIE: Me too.

Joey wants to hook up with Davis.

JOEY: Yeah, me too.

Ben wants me to like him again.

BEN: I'm coming too.

Which means--

BILLY: So am I.

And with all that potential--

CARTER: I'll go home and pack.
JACKSON: You gotta live a little, right?
ELI: Should I start pre-gaming now?

I heard a squeal and realized I'd forgotten something.

PAIGE: I'll bring snacks!


ME: Paige, you and Adam should stay here and find out if Travis asks around about Davis.
ADAM: Why can't Paige stay here while I go with you guys?
ME: Because you only want to hook up with people, and the rest of us are going to...


ADAM: Oh please. That is such--
PAIGE: Adam, it's totally fine! This means we can have slumber parties.

Adam narrowed his eyes at me.

ADAM: You'll pay for this.

It was for the best.

The less people for Travis to shoot at--

--the better.

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