Friday, February 12, 2010

Balls in the Air

Hi, my name is Ben.

JACKSON: Hello roomie.

Sometimes I feel like I'm a juggler.

JACKSON: Don't get any crazy ideas. Just because I look exactly like the boy you're madly in love with--

A really bad juggler.

JACKSON: --I'm a LOT more flexible.
ME: It's creepy you know that about your brother.
JACKSON: Please, we took gym class together in high school--until they watched him attempt to play basketball, then they gave a pass for the rest of the year. The coach couldn't stop laughing long enough to actually teach anything with him there after that.

Knock, knock.

JACKSON: I'm trying to seduce someone in here!

The door opened--

NATHAN: Looks like I got here just in time.
JACKSON: Well, come on in, Nathan. You can walk, can't you?
NATHAN: Very funny. Jackson, can you excuse my boyfriend and I for a second?
JACKSON: Sure. Let me know when you two officially change your Facebook statuses.

Jackson left and Nathan closed the door behind him.

ME: Why did you decide to come up here?
NATHAN: Because I wanted to make things right.
ME: With Jeremy?
NATHAN: With you.
ME: You don't care about me.
NATHAN: Ben, everything I've ever done has been to try and keep you.
ME: You should have tried being honest. That might have worked.
NATHAN: Fine. I'll be honest. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
ME: No way. You're just freaking out because now that you can't blackmail me with anything, there's no reason for me to stay with you.
NATHAN: Are you sure about that blackmail part?

He took his IPhone out of his pocket, and with one touch--

MY VOICE: Eli, what are you doing here? What's going on with Taylor?
ELI'S VOICE: He's insane, Ben!
MY VOICE: He's supposed to be dead!
ELI'S VOICE: What are you talking about?
MY VOICE: Eli, I killed Taylor!

Nathan put the IPhone away and smiled.

ME: I thought I killed him, but I guess not.
NATHAN: Something tells me it won't matter. You showed up shaking on my doorstep and confessed--
ME: And you promised not to say anything.
NATHAN: If we're not together, then I don't need to keep any promises to you.
ME: Nathan, I'm warning you--
NATHAN: No, I'm warning YOU.

Knock, knock.

I opened the door, but nobody was there.

NATHAN: It came from that door.

He pointed towards what I thought was the closet door.

ME: Oh no.

The door opened.

BILLY: Did you forget that these are adjoining rooms?
ME: Uh, I guess so.

How much did he--

BILLY: By the way, I heard everything.

And the balls come tumbling down.

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