Saturday, March 21, 2009

When Davis Won the Crown

Hi, my name is Davis.

JACKSON: We've come to the talent portion of the evening.

I'm about to win the first Mr. Providence competition.

Jackson devised this little pageant to bring about a sense of sophistication in the gay community. Yet somehow Carter is in the final two with me.

We were standing next to each other on a small stage in the Wonder Hotel's Grand Ballroom, which has been turned into a little theater for the night.

All the CBQ's are in the audience, except for Jackson, who's emceeing as well as judging. Jeremy and Billy are the other two judges.

Considering I just cheated on Billy, and with Jeremy's boyfriend, it's surprising how certain I am that I'm going to win the title tonight.

But then again, I'm Davis.

JACKSON: Carter's talent involves--what else--the 'Single Ladies' dance.

While Carter was showcasing his tackiness, I ran backstage and made sure my presentation was ready.

ME: Thanks for helping me with this, Paige.
PAIGE: Oh my God, does this mean you two are getting back together? Because that would make me sooo happy. We could be in-laws. I want as much of my family to be gay as possible.
ME: I'm just shooting for an emotion below hatred at this point.
PAIGE: Works for me!

After Carter was done, Jackson smirked at me. He had no idea what I had planned.

JACKSON: And now let's see what Mr. Davis has up his sleeve. Take it away, John.

I HATE when anyone uses my first name, but I smiled anyway, and took the microphone.

ME: I would say my biggest talent is being an asshole.
ELI: Amen!
ME: But tonight, I would like to use the time I've been given--though I know it may cost me the crown--to showcase a real talent. A person who brings out the best in me, which definitely beats plate spinning or tap dancing.
ELI: Shut ya face!
ME: Ladies and gentlemen, a tribute.

The lights dimmed, and a screen came down. Photos of Jeremy and I played--one after another set to some cheesy song Paige picked out.

I looked over and Jeremy was misty-eyed. Even Billy looked touched.

You know the great thing about being a jerk? When you're NOT a jerk, people appreciate it way more.

The lights came back up, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

A few minutes later, they announced the winner.

JACKSON: Despite one judge's vigorous objections, a winner has been crowned. That winner--is John Davis.

The room erupted in applause. Jackson came over and handed me my crown.

JACKSON: As soon as I find scandalous photos of you, I'm going to Vanessa Williams your ass.
ME: Good luck with that.

I took my walk down the runway, sauntering proudly.

That was when I saw him in the back of the room.

ME: Cal?

Before I could get anyone's attention, the gun came out of his pocket.

ME: Jesus...

The first shot went past my right shoulder. The second grazed my arm.

Immediately, there was panic. More shots rang out.

Everyone ran towards the doors. I felt someone knock me down. I tried looking around to see where Cal had run off to--but how was it possible that he was even here? He was supposed to be dead.

One more shot rang out, and then there was just screaming and people calling for help.

Finally, I got out from underneath--Carter?

ME: Carter, you saved my life?
CARTER: I wasn't thinking.
ME: I'll take that as a compliment.

I stood up and tried looking around to see if anyone was hurt.

That was when I saw all the CBQ's gathered together, and the pool of blood seeping out from whoever they were standing over.

Hank turned around and caught my eye. He looked terrified.

Then he yelled--


And that was when I saw who'd been shot.

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