Saturday, March 13, 2010

Paige Throws a Party

Hi, my name is Adam.

PAIGE: Happy Birthday!

My birthday was yesterday.

ME: Where's my cake, you dumb bitch?
PAIGE: Um, it's almost ready.
ME: You just put it in the oven, didn't you?
PAIGE: I had to get my nails done!

This is what happens when Paige throws a party.

Jeremy let her back in the apartment so she could have a birthday party for me, but the only signs I see of any festivities are the guests and the one balloon sitting in the middle of the room.

ME: That balloon is lonely--just like me.
JEREMY: Wow, try to keep the joy contained, buttercup.
ME: I'm just mad that Joey's not here.
JEREMY: He's probably not here because he thought Davis was going to be here.
ME: Davis is here?
JEREMY: No, he thought Joey was going to be here.
ME: So neither one of them is here because they thought the other one was going to be here?
JEREMY: This is why the gays have trouble organizing.

There was a crash in the kitchen. Then Paige appeared.

PAIGE: The salsa...yeah...not going to happen tonight.


Carter made his way over to me.

CARTER: Happy birthday, Adam!
ME: Thanks, Carter.
CARTER: Want to make out?
ME: Not really, no.
CARTER: Okay. See you later.

This is my life.

Knock, Knock.

ME: I'll get it.
RITCHIE: Adam, you can't answer the door at your own party.
BILLY: Yeah, let Paige do it.
PAIGE'S VOICE: I'm looking for olive oil!
ELI: What does she need olive oil--
ME: Don't ask.

I opened the door, and there was Joey.

ME: You came?
JOEY: I came.
ME: Why?
JOEY: I've made a decision.
ELI: You're going to stop shopping at Baby Gap?
JOEY: I want to be with you, Adam.
RITCHIE and ME: Really?

Everyone looked at Ritchie.


I couldn't believe was I was hearing.

ME: You mean, like, you want to date me?
JOEY: Yes. Like, a lot.

Oh my God.

VOICE: Who wants almost-baked caked?

Paige walked into the room carrying my cake. Then Ritchie took it out of her hands.

RITCHIE: Here, Paige, let me get that.

He walked over to Joey, and pushed it in his face. The cake went sliding down Joey's body and onto the floor.


Then he walked out the door.

CARTER: Wow, Ritchie's gotten really clumsy.

I barely noticed.

I have a boyfriend.

Forget my birthday; it's like Christmas.

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