Saturday, March 13, 2010

Back to the Dorms

Hi, my name is Jeremy.

ME: I can't believe you're moving back into dorms.
NATHAN: I have no choice.

I'm helping Nathan settle in at RIC.

NATHAN: I can't live with Ben anymore, and the school's offering to pay for my housing as part of my scholarship.
ME: It just seems like a step back.
BILLY: Jeremy, you're not being supportive.
ME: Okay, okay. I'll back off.

In my head, I'm going to continue judging.

BILLY: I'm going to go grab another box from the car.

Billy took off. He's been acting so strange lately.

Turns out I wasn't the only one who noticed.

NATHAN: I think you should have a talk with Billy.
ME: What about?
NATHAN: Haven't you noticed that he's been--
ME: Acting weird, yeah.
NATHAN: You didn't wonder what that was about?
ME: I think Jackson may have said something to him. He was mad he had to move out. Then after he and Billy brought Ritchie home from his fall, he hasn't been around. That's when all this started.
NATHAN: It might also have something to do with his new job.
ME: Oh no, it's not that. He loves his new job. He's been taking extra hours left and right.
NATHAN: Yeah, I would think more about that if I were you.

I started to wonder what that meant, but then I remembered that Nathan had a thing for me, and he's probably just trying to get between Billy and me.

God, you can't trust anybody these days.

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