Saturday, May 17, 2008

How I Justify

Hi, my name is Nathan.

BILLY: Tell me you're kidding.

I'm not kidding.

I was sitting in the Fish Bowl with Billy and the subject of Ben and I getting back together came up...

Naturally, Billy was displeased because, you know, he's in love with me.

ME: I'm sorry, but I can't help loving who I love.
BILLY: That's what the abused wives in the Lifetime movies say.
ME: They still make those movies?

Jeremy and Joey walked in.

JOEY: Hey, what's up?
BILLY: Nathan and Ben are back together.
JOEY: Oh...I have to leave.

Which he did.


ME: Look, I know what Ben did was awful--
JEREMY: Having a threeway on a futon thereby making you look ridiculous to the entire department?
ME: Yes, but--
BILLY: He would have never even said anything if Carter didn't brag about it to me.
JEREMY: Wait, you're the one who--
BILLY: I was trying to be a good friend!

He was trying to get in my pants.

Not that I mind.

It's not that I don't like Billy, but he's an A on the social scale, and Ben's an A+ -- Ben's the "get."

ME: What can I say? People make mistakes. We've moved past it.

That is to say, Ben and I have moved past it. I haven't moved past being pissed at Carter and Eli.

But I'm going to handle that in my own special way.

This department needs a few...changes.

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