Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Author

Hi, my name is Davis.

BOOK BUYER: It's such a thrill to meet you.

If you ever told me that one day I'd be spending a Friday night in a Barnes and Noble, I would have told you were--

ME: How would you like me to sign this?

--maybe not so crazy.

After shutting down Prisms, a publishing company in Boston asked me to write my advice for young, gay businessmen.

I thought it was a fantastic idea.

Unfortunately, for most of the gays in Providence, it turned into more of a memoir.

ELI: Hello Davis.

And not everybody is thrilled about that.

ME: Oh Eli, did you actually buy one of my books? I would have given you a really good discount on that.
ELI: I already read the parts I'm interested in--the parts involving me.
ME: Even the parts about you where I used big words?
ELI: You put my business out there for everyone to read.
ME: And it's a bestseller, motherf**ker. Now do you want me to sign your copy or not?

He flipped the table I was sitting at over, sending books flying everywhere.

ELI: What you've done can't be undone. Maybe something like that needs to happen to you.

He walked away, and I wondered...

Was that a threat?

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